On 30 May, which was Wednesday. Mr Mohd asked me to come to school for the enrichment programme at 8 a.m. I reached the school at 8 a.m sharp, then i went to the staff room outside and take a sit while waiting for Shawal to come. I waited for half an hour and he still have not come yet, so Mr Mohd asked me to do some worksheet first. Awhile later, Shawal came. Mr mohd had scolded him for coming late and punished him. After that, we went to the IT room 6 to continue about the worksheet.
The worksheet was about cyclist from Tour de France winner admitted taking drugs. The name of the cyclist was Dane Bjarne Riis, he had taken drugs but he was not ashamed of it. Dane Bjarne Riis's boss Walter Godefroot turned a blind eye to the drug used in the team. Not only Dane Bjarne Riis had used drugs, there were other cyclist that also took drugs like Erik Zabel, Rolf Aldag, Jan Ullrich, Floyd Landis and Joe Papp. After reading this, I learned that taking drugs was a wrong action but even Dane Bjarne Riis had taken drugs but he was honest and
At 12 p.m sharp, Mr Mohd brought us to the home econ room to cook ourselves and eat as the school canteen was closed. After eating, we cleaned up the room and went back to IT room 6 to continue our work. I finished doing at 2:30 p.m, but Mr Mohd had gone out, so I waited for him to come back. He came back at 3 p.m, then me and Shawal passed up the work to him, then he gave us a Geography worksheet to do and a Geography textbook for helping.
Me and Shawal finished it at 3:45 p.m, then we passed up to Mr Mohd. He asked us to wait, he went back to his office and take the worksheet that we had done earlier and gave it back to us.
He had done the marking and asked us to do the corrections. He taught us how to make a proper sentence and a sentence must be interesting and specific. After we finished doing our corrections, Mr Mohd called it a day and let us go.